Nov 10, 2023 | Eighteenth Century Inns
My Pride & Prejudice sequel, ‘Menace At Pemberley’ set in 1798/1799, includes incidents of dog-poisoning and I wanted to find out what means of diagnosis and, if relevant, treatment would have been available. My husband was convinced that someone of Darcy’s...
Oct 29, 2023 | Eighteenth Century Inns
Hello all. So a few more words about the research I’ve carried out for ‘Intrigue At Longbourn’ (prequel to Pride & Prejudice) and ‘Menace At Pemberley’ (sequel). I found it very useful, particularly for the prequel, to use a currency converter so as to be able to...
Oct 22, 2023 | Eighteenth Century Inns
As a formerly practising English solicitor of several decades, when writing ‘Intrigue At Longbourn’, set in the late 1790s, I relied largely on my own experiences from when I started out in the law fifty (yes fifty!) or more years ago. In the novel, which is a P&P...
Oct 18, 2023 | Eighteenth Century Inns
In the Authors Note and Sources to my first Pride & Prejudice derivative, Intrigue At Longbourn, I speculated that the fictional town of Meryton might have been based on the town of Harpenden, citing an article entitled ‘The Probable Location of “Longbourn” in...
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